ACT User Choice
User Choice Funding is an Australian Apprenticeship initiative. It’s a great way to get a head start in your chosen career and aims to provide funding aligned to the skill needs of industry, responding to changing government priorities. Train Australia Pty Ltd, trading as ARC Training (RTO # 91007), has been approved to provide qualifications listed on the ACT Qualifications Register. Australian Apprenticeships in the ACT are funded by the ACT and Australian Governments.
To be eligible you must:
- be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or New Zealand passport holder resident for more than 6 months, or
- an eligible visa holder, and
- Work in the ACT;
- Be at least 15 years of age
- Receive remuneration for your work;
- Complete a minimum of 15 hours’ combined work and training per week. Casual employees cannot undertake an Australian Apprenticeship in the ACT. Employment and training hours may be averaged over 4 weeks for non-school-based training contracts.
- Undertake an approved Australian Apprenticeships qualification with an approved RTO, as listed on the ACT Qualifications Register;
- Have the required supervision in the workplace for an Australian Apprenticeship.
Completion Payment:
Australian Apprentices who successfully complete their qualification are eligible for a completion payment. A completion payment will be paid directly to the student upon completion of the qualification and a survey. The completion payment is $300 for each qualification.
Students will be eligible to receive the completion payment for up to 1 year after successful completion of the qualification, provided an up to date email and bank account details are confirmed.
An Australian Apprentice is not eligible for a completion payment where more than 50% of the units are completed through Recognition of Prior Learning. An Australian Apprentice may be eligible for a completion payment if more than 50% of the units are achieved via credit transfer where the achievement is the result of:
- a training contract variation i.e. change of RTO and/or qualification; or
- the Australian Apprentice is undertaking a training contract with a new employer for the same qualification or its replacement in a new training contract.
For more information please visit: ACT Skills Australian Apprenticeships